Sunday, May 9, 2010

Bazaars of Jaipur

Sounds and smells and color strewn everywhere
Peals of laughter of a group of school girls
Aroma of a freshly roasted Bhutta
Deep mahogany of the carved furniture

Sounds and smells and color permeating all interstices of space
Cry of the street hawkers
Fragrance of perfumed sweets
Bright colors of the earthen pottery

Sounds and smells and color overwhelming the senses
Wails of a crying child
Stench of sweat of strangers intermingled
Deep hues of the batik Sarees

Sounds and smells and color exploding in a medley
Frustrated honking of horns
Oily odour of fried snacks hanging heavy in the air
Bedazzling colors of the beaded jewellery

Sounds and smells and colors coming together in an earthy dance
Sounds and smells and colors reverberating in frenzied celebration
These are the sounds and smells and colors of bazaars of Jaipur


  1. Hey! I really liked this vibrant little poem! Reminded me of one we had in school by Sarojini Naidu...I think it was In the Bazaars of Hyderabad. I am putting a link to your blog on mine. Hope you don't mind!

    I'll stop by here more often :)

  2. Thnx Chandni
    Wud luv to have u here :)
