Tuesday, May 18, 2010

You can love someone without understanding them.
Yes you can
But when you are in love, the desire of being the one person who understands the other completely becomes overwhelming.
I want to be that one person who understands him completely
I want to be that one person with whom he can share all his secrets
I want to be the one person before whom he can lay bare his soul
That one person before whom he can shed all his inhibitions, celebrate all his frailties, express his vulnerability.

I want to know everything about him
Absolutely everything
More than anyone else has ever known
More than anybody would ever know
That is my way of claiming him for me
That is my way of belonging to him

You say isn’t it expecting too much?
Will you ever be able to share yourself completely with him?
No, I won’t, rather I can’t
That’s because I am a woman
There will always be a part of me which would be preserved from everyone else
I am a woman and hence it is imperative for me to have my own secret self
I would be incomplete without it

I think every woman in every role has a bit of the Mother in her
All embracing, all giving
Yet enigmatic in her own way.
I want to embrace his secrets,
I want him to forget his worries when he is with me
I want to protect him in my own way
Still I want to have a piece of my heart veiled, even from him

What is that precious secret stash, you ask me
Why is it so valued that it is not to be shared even with the one I love the most?
That secret treasure trove is … my capacity for love
It’s the mystical power of love hidden in every woman
The elixir which can transform the world
But it is a potion so powerful that it has to be hidden
Only a woman can bury a secret so powerful in her heart
It has the power to transform everything it touches

You wonder why does love need to be hidden
You wonder why this ambrosia is not to be partaken
I can only smile and say
You would not understand if you are not a woman

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